Найдено 2 результата

01 июл 2022, 09:51
Форум: Новая Хронология
Тема: Original Marble Block With Cross Sign has been found in Yoros Castle.
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 7611

Original Marble Block With Cross Sign has been found in Yoros Castle.

Original Marble Block With Cross Sign has been found in Yoros Castle which shows that castle was built during VIII.Mikhael Palaeologos (1261-1282) :

https://kvmgm.ktb.gov.tr/TR-44599/istan ... itabe.html
29 июн 2022, 17:44
Форум: Новая Хронология
Тема: Hagia Sophia cannot be Prophet Solomon's temple / Святая София не может быть храмом пророка Соломона
Ответы: 4
Просмотры: 1809

Hagia Sophia cannot be Prophet Solomon's temple / Святая София не может быть храмом пророка Соломона

Hi, According to new chronology that was written, I read that King Solomon's temple is Hagia Sophia. And King Solomon is Suleyman I. Ottoman emperor. But it is impossible because, according to Quran, prophet Mohammed is the last prophet and prophet King Solomon must have lived before he was born. Th...