18 градус Весов

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18 градус Весов


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https://www.academia.edu/42164956/The_M ... e_Nativity

In the treatise Mathesis, the fourth-century Roman astrologer, Senator Julius Firmicus Maternus, reports on the symbolism of the 18th degree of Libra: “Whoever has his ASC in the 18th degree of Libra will be raised up on a cross by order of the Emperor, or he will be tortured in the presence of the Emperor, or he will be hung by the Emperor’s order, but only when Mars is found in that degree.” The hypothesis presented in the article is the following: Firmicus’ interpretation of the meaning of the 18th degree in the sign of Libra (in association with the ascendant and Mars) alludes to the ascendant and Mars in the natal chart of Jesus of Nazareth. The goal of the research is to test this hypothesis..

Почему 18 градус Весов связан с распятием?
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18 градус Весов


Сообщение Mollari »

Если я верно понял, сам Матерн этот момент никак не поясняет. По мнению же автора статьи, в использованной Матерном натальной карте Христа асцендент был в 18 градусах Весов. Поэтому, по логике оного, человек с таким же положением асцендента может воплотить в себе качества Христа и тем стать опасным для императорской власти, а значит должен быть казнён (не обязательно распятием).

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18 градус Весов


Сообщение antryzh81 »

Вероятно, потому, что когда-то считалось, что пасхальное полнолуние Страстной недели произошло именно в нём.
В неделю 18-24 марта 1185 года - на этом градусе возраст Луны 15,9 суток, фаза 0,99 (утро вторника). Примерно подходит.
В неделю 30 марта - 5 апреля 33 года - фаза 1,00, возраст примерно 15,3 суток... вот только на долготах Стамбула и Яффы - в воскресенье после рассвета, когда Луна была ниже уровня горизонта. А к этому моменту в Страстную уже всё якобы свершилось.
Что касается якобы Марса в этом градусе в натальной карте, то согласовать это с датой Рождества 24/25 декабря невозможно в обоих случаях (ни на интервале 9 до н.э. - 1 н.э., ни на интервале 1150-1154 гг.). Поэтому автор статьи идёт - вслед за некими предшественниками - на ревизию месяца и числа, забывая о том, что каждые 1,88 года Марс возвращается в одну и ту же точку своей орбиты, так что для датировки без дополнительных данных эти сведения совершенно бесполезны.

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Фирмик Матерн


Сообщение Markgraf99- »

А другие гороскопы Фирмика Матерна тоже бесполезны для передатировки?

https://sci-hub.ru/https://doi.org/10.1 ... 0925128.13 HÜBNER, W. Sulla’s Horoscope? (Firm. math. 6,31,1)
https://sci-hub.ru/https://doi.org/10.2307/292059 Neugebauer, O. (1953). The Horoscope of Ceionius Rufius Albinus
https://www.academia.edu/36454531/Book_ ... actice.pdf

стр.62 10. How much the force (if the antiscia counts and how effectively the theory of the antiscia works you will be able to learn from this nativity" which we are about to give: this man had a chart with the Sun in Pisces, the Moon in Cancer, Saturn in Virgo, Jupiter in Pisces in the same degree as the Sun, Mars in Aquarius, Venus in Taurus, Mercury in Aquarius in the same degree as Mars, the ascendant in Scorpio. The father of this native after two consecutive consulships was sent into exile, but the native himself was exiled for the crime of adultery and suddenly brought back from exile, was first chosen for the administration of Campania, then the consulship of Achaia, but afterwards was made proconsul of Africa and Prefect of Rome.
стр.63 Diagram IX. Chart of Albinus, I.

стр.206 1. If Jupiter and Venus are in conjunction in the sign of Saturn, and Saturn is in a near-by sign, that is, the second, so that he himself will next come into conjunction with Venus, and Mars is in aspect to the Moon and Venus; also Saturn is in aspect to the Moon; the Sun is on the MC, and the Moon and the ascendant are both in Cancer: in this case the natives, possessed by incestuous fury and removed from the protection of any celestial power, achieve intercourse with their own mothers or their step-mothers. But if it is a woman's chart, she is joined as in matrimony with her father or step-father. Tradition says that Oedipus had such a chart. For in that case the ascendant was in Cancer, the Sun in Aries, Saturn in Pisces, Jupiter and Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Libra, the Moon in the nebula of Cancer, and Mercury with the Sun.

стр.208 12. Paris Alexander (Paris of Troy) is said to have had such a forecast; from his marriage came famous battles and fabled destruction to his fatherland. The whole chart of Alexander was thus: the ascendant in Aquarius, the Sun and Saturn in Leo, the Moon and Mars in Scorpio, Jupiter in Aquarius, Venus and Mercury in Gemini.

стр.209-210 22. If the ascendant is in Virgo, and Mars, Mercury, and Venus are in conjunction in that degree, and Jupiter on the descendant in the sign of Pisces is in opposition to the three; and the Sun is in the anafora of the ascendant, that is, in Libra; and the Moon is in the fifth house in Capricorn, and Saturn is in the ninth house in Taurus—the native who has this combination will be an orator whose sentences issue like thunder; at his control the multitude if quiet are aroused, or if riotous are easily silenced. Such are his speeches that later ages will compete to learn them by heart to nourish their own talent. Such an orator persecuted Philip of Macedon, not with force of arms but by power of speech, as we shall explain. This chart inspired the divine genius of Demosthenes.
23. If Mars, Mercury, and Venus are in conjunction in Sagittarius in the terms of Venus and this is also the ascendant; and Jupiter from the descendant in Gemini is in opposition in a number of degrees equal to them; and the Sun is in Capricorn; and the Moon is in the fifth house in Aries in such a way that she is in the head of Aries (in these degrees she indicates blindness); and Saturn is in the ninth house, that is, in Leo—this chart makes a poet of heroic song. They write noble and famous songs about martial strife and fearful battles. Such a chart was that of the divine Homer, the author of the Iliad.
24. If the ascendant is in Aquarius, and Mars, Mercury, and Venus are in conjunction in that degree; Jupiter is on the descendant in Leo; the Sun is on the anafora of the ascendant in Pisces; the Moon is in the fifth house in Gemini, in trine to the ascendant; and Saturn is in the ninth house in Libra—this chart produces an interpreter of divine and celestial matters. He possesses a combination of learned speech and divine intelligence and is trained by some kind of heavenly power to give true expression to all secrets of divinity. This chart is said to have been that of Plato.
25. If the ascendant is in Libra; Mars, Venus, and Mercury are in conjunction on the ascendant; Jupiter is on the descendant, that is, in Aries, in opposition to Mars, Mercury, and Venus; the Sun is in Scorpio on the anafora of the ascendant; the Moon is in Aquarius in the fifth house; and Saturn is in Gemini in the ninth house—this chart makes an inspired lyric poet who writes choruses for religious poems in many rhythms. Such charts were those of Pindar and Archilochus, known for the divine inspiration of their sweet songs.
26. If the ascendant is in Aries in the terms ofJupiter; Mars, Venus, and Mercury are in conjunction on the ascendant, and Jupiter is on the descendant in opposition, that is, in Libra; the Sun is on the anafora of the ascendant in Taurus; the Moon is in the fifth house in Leo; and Saturn is in the ninth house in Sagittarius--this chart produces inspired inventors of mechanical skills. This was the chart of our inventor of the sphere showing the course of all the heavenly stars—Archimedes of Syracuse,74 my fellow citizen, who often conquered the Roman armies with his mechanical arts. The general Marcellus75 in his victorious triumph among the rejoicing soldiers and the triumphal laurels wept for him with tragic grief.
We have told enough, my dear Mavortius, of the charts of famous men. Now we must return to the order of the work we have started.
1. If Saturn is in Libra in the terms or exaltation of Jupiter, and the ascendant is found in that same degree, but Venus on the descendant in Aries is in opposition; Mars and the Moon are in conjunction on the MC; the Sun and Mercury are in Gemini in the ninth house; and Jupiter is in Aquarius holding the fifth house and making his station (turning retrograde or direct); this indicates the most powerful kingly rule or high office and power.

стр.213 37. Now, my dear Mavortius, I shall show you an amusing forecast. From this example you will be able to assess similar cases. That deformed and feeble Greek76 whose misshapen body Homer described to us in his divine songs, whom the laughter of all wise men punished —he had a chart of this kind. The ascendant was in Aquarius, the Sun and Saturn in Capricorn (that is, the twelfth house), but Jupiter on the ascendant or on the anafora of the ascendant, and Mars with the Moon in the eleventh house in Libra; Mercury and Venus were on the ascendant (that is, in Aquarius). This forecast shows us the chart of Thersites. He was unwarlike, feeble, silly, always impatient, displaying garrulous wordiness. All these traits the chart shows us.
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Гороскопы Матерна


Сообщение Mollari »

Книга Матерна - учебник по астрологии, притом компилятивный и содержащий массу ошибок, а гороскопы в нём рассчитаны задним числом (и, можно не сомневаться, ещё и ректифицированы), так что шансы найти среди них что-то стоящее невелики:
Матерн Фирмик Юлий (Maternus Firmicus Julius) — сицилийский сенатор, живший во времена императора Константина (IV в.), написал объемный учебник по астрологии — «Матезис», состоящий из восьми книг. Матерн — дилетант в астрологии, поэтому учебник представляет собой компиляцию из трудов греческих и египетских астрологов. По этой причине в учебнике содержится немало ошибок, многие из которых в заимствованиях и переводах сохранились до настоящего времени. В доказательство верности астрологических предсказаний Матерн приводит гороскопы многих исторических и мифических личностей (Эдипа, Париса, Демосфена, Гермодора, Гомера, Платона, Пиндара, Архилоха, Архимеда и Терсита), из которых он выводит события их жизни. (А.Ю. Саплин, Астрология для всех)
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Гороскоп Цейония Альбина


Сообщение Mollari »

Для пробы посмотрел первый гороскоп:
Markgraf99- писал(а): 13 мар 2022, 18:13 Sun in Pisces,
the Moon in Cancer,
Saturn in Virgo,
Jupiter in Pisces in the same degree as the Sun,
Mars in Aquarius,
Venus in Taurus,
Mercury in Aquarius in the same degree as Mars,
the ascendant in Scorpio
HOROS выдал только одно решение - 14-15 марта 303 года для звёздного гороскопа. Для знакового получается то же самое:
В своем «Mathesis» сенатор и астролог Юлий Фирмик Матерн сообщает о гороскопе префекта города, который не упоминается по имени и которого современные исследователи идентифицировали с Цейонием Руфием Альбином. Если их предположения верны, то датой рождения Альбина было 14 (или 15) марта 303 года.
Цейоний Руфий Альбин (консул)
Проверка в ZET'е показывает, что положения всех планет, а также асцендента, соответствуют указанным у Матерна. Однако, не выполняются дополнительные условия о соединении Юпитера с Солнцем и Меркурия с Марсом. И если по первой паре неувязка совсем незначительная, и ей можно пренебречь, то у Меркурия с Марсом разность по долготе целых 16 градусов, вместо указанного "same degree".

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18 градус Весов


Сообщение Markgraf99- »

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